Welcome to our website relaunch, we hope our officers will enjoy the members section which is full of useful information and advice.

Any officer wishing to access the new members section (even if you have previously registered) must re-register on the site using their name, email address and warrant number.

You cannot use your work email and some officers have had difficulty using Met IT

Use a personal email and your own smartphone, laptop or tablet.

We advise against using your email as your username

For most officers their warrant number is a 6 digit number which does not include a p or their pay prefix.

You must be (or have been before retirement) a subscribing member of the Police Federation.

Once we have confirmed your warrant number, you will be able to access all areas of the site

For the best experience visiting our site you should use a more recent version of your browser application. Some officers may find that the images are not compatible with older versions of their browser.

Metropolitan Police Federation



Watch the film here

The Scottish Police Federation, led by General Secretary David Kennedy, has commissioned a new film to shine a light on the everyday realities and challenges faced by police officers in Scotland.

In recent times, UK police have been portrayed negatively due to isolated incidents, but this film aims to shift the focus back to the vital and selfless work officers do, often at great personal risk.

  • Officers are facing an increasing amount of risk in their day-to-day roles, including rising knife crime, abuse and violent assaults.

  • Police officers are not just enforcers of the law, but ordinary people who have chosen a career dedicated to helping others.

  • Policing is about protecting people, often in dangerous and unpredictable circumstances.

  • Officers are part of communities they serve - they are parents, siblings and neighbours - and they step forward in times of crisis. •

  • The Scottish Police Federation is calling for better support, improved pay and fairer working conditions for police officers.

  • •They want to foster greater understanding and respect for police officers, ensuring that their dedication and sacrifices do not go unnoticed

“The media coverage doesn’t reflect the full picture,” says Kennedy. “Our officers face trauma daily, risking their lives to protect the public. It’s crucial that the public understands this reality.”

”Relentless is a powerful exploration of what it means to serve.”

The film provides a first-hand look at the split-second decisions officers must make, the harsh realities of violent encounters and the mental health impact of the job. It portrays moments of extreme pressure, from responding to armed attacks to the difficult emotional experiences of dealing with grief-stricken families, vulnerable individuals and victims of crime.

The full Relentless film can be downloaded via the below link:
