Welcome to our website relaunch, we hope our officers will enjoy the members section which is full of useful information and advice.

Any officer wishing to access the new members section (even if you have previously registered) must re-register on the site using their name, email address and warrant number.

You cannot use your work email and some officers have had difficulty using Met IT

Use a personal email and your own smartphone, laptop or tablet.

We advise against using your email as your username

For most officers their warrant number is a 6 digit number which does not include a p or their pay prefix.

You must be (or have been before retirement) a subscribing member of the Police Federation.

Once we have confirmed your warrant number, you will be able to access all areas of the site

For the best experience visiting our site you should use a more recent version of your browser application. Some officers may find that the images are not compatible with older versions of their browser.

Metropolitan Police Federation


Officer Insurance Cover

Do you have the cover you need?

We are making it even easier for our members to be able to join the federation and sign up to our member services.

Just scan the QR code with your smart phone camera, or click the link below.

In brief, these are the services we offer or recommend: 

Federation Subs £24.31 – Police duty related cover

Group Insurance £24.01 - Off duty legal cover + £150,000 life cover and cover from accidental injury

Group Insurance Plus Additional £4.95 - as above but £50,000 life cover for spouse/partner 

Regulation 28 Insurance £6.76 - Sickness cover from half or no pay

Travel and Gadget Insurance £7.74 - Worldwide cover for you, your spouse/partner and your family travelling alone or together plus gadget insurance for all your laptops, tablet and smart phones

RAC cover - Roadside, Recovery and at Home for up to 3 vehicles

The premium is 1 Vehicle: £6.41, 2 Vehicles: £12.25, 3 Vehicles: £17.59 and includes Roadside, Recovery at Home.