Welcome to our website relaunch, we hope our officers will enjoy the members section which is full of useful information and advice.
Any officer wishing to access the new members section (even if you have previously registered) must re-register on the site using their name, email address and warrant number.
You cannot use your work email and some officers have had difficulty using Met IT
Use a personal email and your own smartphone, laptop or tablet.
We advise against using your email as your username
For most officers their warrant number is a 6 digit number which does not include a p or their pay prefix.
You must be (or have been before retirement) a subscribing member of the Police Federation.
Once we have confirmed your warrant number, you will be able to access all areas of the site
For the best experience visiting our site you should use a more recent version of your browser application. Some officers may find that the images are not compatible with older versions of their browser.
The Metropolitan Police Federation is the staff association to which every constable, sergeant, inspector and chief inspector in the Metropolitan Police Service belongs – a total of more than 30,000 officers.