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Any officer wishing to access the new members section (even if you have previously registered) must re-register on the site using their name, email address and warrant number.

You cannot use your work email and some officers have had difficulty using Met IT

Use a personal email and your own smartphone, laptop or tablet.

We advise against using your email as your username

For most officers their warrant number is a 6 digit number which does not include a p or their pay prefix.

You must be (or have been before retirement) a subscribing member of the Police Federation.

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For the best experience visiting our site you should use a more recent version of your browser application. Some officers may find that the images are not compatible with older versions of their browser.

Metropolitan Police Federation


Refreshing To Hear Commissioner Acknowledge Policing's Crisis Of Confidence

The Metropolitan Police Federation has backed comments from Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley, who has condemned “emboldened thugs” who attack police officers.

Sir Mark today warned of an unprecedented strain on the “dangerously stretched” service and called for more investment in policing.

And Metropolitan Police Federation Chair Rick Prior backed the Commissioner’s stance, describing the “crisis of confidence” among officers.

Rick said: “The Commissioner is absolutely right when he describes the unprecedented strain on policing and his condemnation of emboldened thugs who attack our officers.

“Our colleagues in the Met are out there every day policing the streets of London and keeping people safe. Too often we see them come under attack.

“They are kicked, punched, attacked with knives and verbally abused. They are human beings, they are the husbands, wives and partners, children and parents.

“They do not join the job to be assaulted. We need to get far away from the notion that being assaulted is part of the job. It is not - and we need proper deterrents in place to discourage would-be attackers.

“We need backing from politicians and chief officers over this. Our police officers are not punchbags there to deal with all society’s anger. Enough is enough.

“It is also refreshing to hear the most senior officer in the country acknowledge the crisis of confidence coursing through our frontline officers, which is adversely affecting the way they use their powers and making our streets less safe.

“I would reiterate his call to look again at the accountability framework used to hold officers to account. The pendulum has swung far too much towards a system that is vexatious in nature.

“We need urgent intervention by the Home Secretary to build on and advance the Accountability Review work started by her predecessor.”